Hello, my name is Ken Lear and I’m an expert in all things entrepreneurship, leadership, and business.
Entrepreneurs have a knack for coming up with a great plan when things get tough. As business starts to grow and flourish, there may come a point when an entrepreneur needs to start to think about the bigger picture. The following questions are necessary for to bring business to a new level, and start to plant the seeds for things to grow at a business level.
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What isn’t working?
This is one of the tougher questions for business managers to ask. By sitting down and examining any part of the company that is not working well, an entrepreneur can better see where improvement can be made. This might mean letting an employee go, or ceasing a contract with a certain customer. Managers have a tough time doing these things because they are outside their comfort zone; but that is the only way to grow. By trimming off things that just don’t work well, a business will only get better.
How can we serve our customers better?
You must know your customers’ wants, needs, and aspirations front and back in order to succeed in the business world. Having great relationships with customers is a great way to directly get an answer for this question. Think abut any complaints or problems that your business may have had with customer satisfaction. Are there any ways to fix this? By knowing how to spot these problems and deal with them, your business strategy will be better than ever.
Looking for more entrepreneurship, leadership, and business advice? Head on over to Ken Lear’s Pinterest.
What direction is the business going?
Understanding the statistics and trends in your area of business is key if you want it to grow. Think about the company’s future and where you picture it in ten years. Do whatever it takes to come up with a plan that can last you a good amount of time. This will keep things moving in motion. It also wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a look at what the competition is doing right, and implement that into your business.