Think Like An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs aren’t afraid to fail. They’re creative and flexible and see failure as part of the learning process. Instead of letting a failure stop their progress an entrepreneur examines their mistake and turns it into a learning experience that helps them to...

Wake Up Early and Get More Done

Hello, Ken Lear here! Successful people are often early risers. They know that to get the most out of their day, their days need to start early—the early bird gets the worm, as the saying goes. Getting up early can help you be productive in a number of ways, and not...

The Best Ways to Get Noticed By Your Boss

Hi, I’m Ken Lear. Check me out on Twitter @Ken_Lear for more business, entrepreneurship, and leadership tips! Getting your assignments completed at work requires much of your concentration and almost all of your time. When you’re not busy doing your assignments...

Making the Most of LinkedIn from Ken Lear

Hi, I’m Ken Lear.  I’ve previously talked about avoidable mistakes young business professionals tend to make. One more to add is not having a fully completed LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is by far the most well known social media platform for networking...

Simple Ways to Make Work More Enjoyable

It’s estimated that we spend roughly a third of our lives at work. With that fact in mind, it’s easy to understand why people attend expensive colleges to ensure they’ll get great jobs right out of school, or why we sacrifice the big paycheck to spend that third of...