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Ken Lear here.

As the weather warms up, it’s typical to want to take a vacation from work. Kids are out of school, and beaches and resorts are ready to host your for a weekend. Going on vacation can be tough if you’re a person that is used to working at all hours of the day throughout the year. Work will always be on your mind, but there are steps you can take to make a summer vacation more relaxing for yourself and your family.

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Stick to the Plan

If you have earned a vacation, set a firm date and don’t back out. It’s easy to decide to not go and relax when work is being stressful, but you also need to live your life. Vacations are offered to employees for a reason. Find a trustable person in the office (vice president, human resources) that you can trust with authority, and have confidence that they will do just fine with out. If you know there’s someone that can handle the things you do on a regular basis, there’s no need to worry.

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Establish the “Bat Phone’

Although it’s important that you are on vacation to relax, you cant just become completely unreachable. There are a few instances where it will be important to have a line of communication back at the office. Stress that this is for absolute emergencies. For your employees to grow, they must be able to handle things without you babying them. By having this line of communication, you will also test them to see how they do without you always being there to bail them out of problems. See if they bother you with mundane tasks, or are able to handle everything without bothering you on your vacation.

Focus On What’s Important

When it all comes down to it, work can wait compared to the rest of your life. It’s important to be focusing more on your family and the things that are important to you. You may have built your business from the ground up, and worked hard to get there. Your business will not go up in smoke if you’re gone for a week. Trust in those around you and you’ll be fine. If ever you find yourself stressing over work, even when you go on vacation, you may need to make some changes to balance your life.