Ken Lear Employee Potential

Flickr CC via Mays Business School

Hi, I’m Ken Lear.

A leader is nothing without the team that follows them. A team turns to their leader for guidance and help when it’s needed. In order to be an outstanding leader, they must focus on making their team better. Finding potential in your team doesn’t have to be hard.  Here are some great ways to help recognize potential in leaders.

Recognize the Good Things

An employee can’t see their potential if they aren’t told when they’re doing good. When an employee does something successful, they should be told that they are doing the right things to succeed. Every leader should always recognize the great things their team does.

Put Effort into Fixing Weaknesses

Talking to an employee to figure out what they want to work on can help their potential ten-fold. By working with them to fix it, you will be allowing them to be more comfortable, and become a strong employee overall. Recognizing weaknesses while working to fix them will only help them become better.

Check out Ken Lear’s presentations on SlideShare for business tips and advice.

Promote Learning New Things

Focusing on learning new things for employees is a smart move. In the long run, they will be able to do more tasks and unlock new things that they are great at. They may also even be able to find a new skill that they can specialize in.

Distribute Responsibility

A comfort zone is a great place to live, but noting grows there. In order for an employee’s potential to grow, they need to try new things and be accountable for them. Giving them freer reign on clients, or leading a meeting, will test their skills and be able to know how to handle tough responsibilities.

The Ken Lear Leadership blog is another great source for blogs regarding leadership, entrepreneurship, and business!

Learn What People Are Good At

Everyone has his or her strengths. Let employees show off what they can do and how well they can do it. This in turn will give them confidence to try newer things, while also showing clients and even fellow employees that they are the person to go for that certain skill.

These steps can allow an employee to be the best they can be.